pessimistic blog!!!

irregular updates on my experiences living in god's decaying corpse.

Hello, I'm Pendleton, a philosophical pessimist living in the United States.

My core views can be summarized in three steps:

You may have run into me on twitter or discord; if you haven't but would like to, check out my contact page!

My primary influences are Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Lacan, Ernest Becker, Gilles Deleuze, and Philipp Mainlander.

As implied by my subheader, I can't promise consistent updates due to my life being primarily occupied by other pursuits; however, I can promise that this site will update, evolve, and have more content added as much as I am able with regard to my health and availability. This will mostly consist of blog and poetry updates. This site as a whole has a content warning for death, suicide, and generally negative themes, which I tend to cover in my writing without much censorship. However, do not expect many images and rest assured that no graphic imagery is stored on this site.

As you can see, I'm rather mediocre in site development. However, this site should be at the very least mobile friendly. That means you can take my negative ramblings on the go if you wish.